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(Last updated: Monday Sept. 07, 2009)


A node.js based interface to my Elk M1 Security & Automation Control) controller. A Raspberry Pi would provide a web and TCP interface to control and monitor the M1. The Elk M1 would do its normal IO control and monitoring while the Pi could provide access to data manipulation and Internet services. The Pi can also be used for notification and preform pre-defined actions based on the event.


  • Live, raw serial dump to a TCP socket (P2000, would be nice if it could be treated like a serial port from Windows or Unix)
  • Partially processes serial dump (P4000, commands separated by a '\n' (new line)
    • device subscription service
  • Web interface giving the current status of each device
  • Web interface allowing access to each device
  • Logging
  • Event based notification
    • Event based action